Yeah I said pumpkin poop, so what! I mean didn't you ever read that book, Everyone Poops? Read the poem and you'll understand why this year we will not be carving our pumpkins. We'll be "felting" them instead. I can't wait for you all to see how spooktacular they turn out.
This week I'm getting straight to the point, leaving out all the unnecessary TALKY TALKY, that I tend to do. Who am I kidding. PAAALEASE!!
Making it's first debut on Smell the coffee Lisa, I now present to you:
I Googled "Pumpkin Clip Art" to find the cute little pumpkin logo and then just copied and pasted it into Microsoft Word. I then pulled the cute poem from Organized Christmas, and typed into the Word document. I used my neighbor D's funky scissors to cut out the poem and just used my glue tape to tape it onto the cut (I cut it up myself with regular scissors) orange poster board I purchased from Walmart for $.57. The yummy Pumpkin Poop found inside the pumpkin designed treat bags (I had these left over from the Halloween Treat boxes) are no other than Reeses Pieces. Can you say YUM? I think the Boys ate more of the candy then I actually used to make the project.
I made a total of 5 of these.
The plan is for me to make all the kids trick or treat bags. There are 5 kids, all boys (My son, his brother, RJ the neighbor and my two nephews.) Sheesh I hope I'm not leaving anyone out. I hate that feeling, like when you are forgetting something or someone. Anyway, I can't give the kids empty trick or treat bags, that would be just wrong. So inside each of the bags they will find their Halloween Treat boxes, Mummy Gum, Pumpkin Poop and these cool Pixie Tricks (all these items can be found on my blog, click on Halloween under labels on my left side bar) you're about to see. Who knows what else will be inside the treat bags.
I don't know this is all I've made so far.
Now without further ado, I now present to you:
Pixie Tricks (Yeah I thought of these all by myself, can you believe that? I'm serious, I didn't steal it from anyone. Okay maybe an idea here or there, but not one specific place.)
I purchased a bag of Pixie Sticks from Walmart and I actually bought the cute tags I glued to the pixie sticks off ebay, 30 for $2. I would have made them but I don't own the cute flower punch and neither does D my neighbor. Anyway both sides of the pixie sticks have a different Halloween picture on it. The orange ribbon, I believe I purchased from Walmart and had on hand. The green jar The BF had sitting in the garage.
Being the genious that I am, I thought for now, until I put these in the kids treat bags, I'd use the jar and left over Reeses Pieces to make a cute table centerpiece. Now if I can just keep The Boy from eating all the Reeses Pieces, this display might actually last a week or twoI wish I had more of the cute cut outs, I don't think 15 of them are enough.
Just in case you were wondering, I'm totally taking donations so I can purchase my own paper punches. I've found them for $13.95 each on ABC Distributing, plus you have to pay shipping. Let me know if you'd like my pay pal information to make a donation. LOL
So that's all I've got for this weeks Halloween Spooktacular. Coming up next week, a Spooky Halloween Tree (I've already picked my branches). Now if I could just find some cheap miniature Halloween ornaments before the end of the week. Any suggestions? If not it will be a Spooky Ghost Tree!
Oh what the heck, one more photo for good measure.
You all come back now you hear!
Don't forget to link up all of your arts and crafts projects, in the Smell the Coffee Lisa - Craft Swap />
Those are ADORABLE!!! You are so creative. And if I steal the idea, I will give you all the credit.
You did a very good job.
Those are awesome!!!! You impressed
me again!. You take great shots ,too.
Have a great day!
these are awesome!!! I LOVE the pumpkin poop - I my have to make some of these myself (hope you dont me stealing your idea - I will give you credit though!) I cant believe Halloween is almost here!
You did a great job and i will give you credit too. They look amazing!
such a cute idea, and pumpkin poop LOL checking out the craft swap.
Thanks fir visiting me, i am your newest follower!
Those are awesome treats - what fun!!
Here in England, we can buy cans of spray on cob-webs, so I usually take a nice branch and spray it white (so it can be seen in the dark) and add a few cob-webs to it! Then I hang candy from it!
I just wish my camera was working properly so that you can see what I mean. I hang bats and spiders from it and put it in a big plant-pot at my front door!
You are one crafty lady! I love the pumpkin poop!!
Those are SO SO cute!! I can't wait to see your pumpkins!! I cut open my first one arms are sore today!! I think I might have to ask you to do a guest spot on my blog...what do you think??
not usually a fan of pixie sticks but those look so good I think I'm in love.
WOW... these are great!!! Where do you find the time? :)
BTW- I love the "new look"...
Love the pumpkin poop! :)
On the sidebar of my kindred spirits section found on my blog is a link to Paisley Cat Scraps.
Let me back up by saying I am very computer challenged! Cat, the blog designer provides clear directions on "how' to's" on her site. Anything you cannot find just email her and she is great about responding. Oh I did I mention that she gives the info for free? I adore CAT!
Great job!! I love your crafts.
I love ABC Distributing except for the fact that half of the cute stuff 'does not ship to California', stupid California laws.
Anyway, I will send you an email later with help with the nav bar things. My kids nap in the afternoon and I will try and get you the info then.
These are all great ideas. I may use some of them. Wow...
You are just all forms of crafty my dear! I love the pumpkin poop it is a riot!
Where are on earth do you find time to do all these crafts? I love it! They are so adorable. I am going to have to make up some pumpkin poop for my neighbors. They will love it!
I have all that stuff Lisa. I have thousands of dollars worth of Scrap booking tools. I even have the Slice Machine AND the Cricut. Just ask and you can borrow it.
That was me the comment above.
YAY, those are too cute! Nice work!
Hopefully one day, I will get to do all of this fun Mommy stuff! ;-)
Your kitty problem. Easy peasy. Get a water gun. Cats hate to get wet and if you get a water gun that you have to pump. (we got ours in the middle of winter at Toys r' Us) It won't take long for the little one to get the message. It only take a few days at our house, and it is at the point that if we pick up the gun and pump it- they run. They know what's coming. It works for everything that you don't want them to do. (ie, getting on counter tops, clawing furniture, bugging the birdie)
Let me know, but I bet it will work for you too!! Good luck!! :-)
Love coming to your blog too! ;-)
You are SO crafty! That all looks great! I'm stealing your ideas now too, so you know you've arrived! Just kiddin'. : )
Your're so creative and I am totally copying you. Yes, I am a copy cat!! My son's bday is in two weeks and I have been looking for favors for the kids.
Love reading your blog.
OMG Lisa, you are awesome! You are the mom every kid wants to have! That pumpkin poop looks so fantastic, I mean who doesn't love Reeses Pieces??? You are rockin it!
Lisa you never cease to amaze me at your craftiness! These are just ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing your ideas! :O)
Wow awesome job!! You are so creative its really crazy:) Love the ideas, I might do the pumpkin poop idea for friends and work peeps! thanks!!
ps...I gave you an award on my blog!!!
You are so creative! I love these treats! We do reindeer poo at Christmas time. :)
Very cute! I love the idea of using that as a decoration. I've said this before but, seriously, when do you sleep?
Those are awesome! I am so impressed....I am thinking I will have to include pumpkin poo in my BOO this year. We do a BOO with friends on our street :)
Hmmm, this is like deja vu. Pumpkin poop here, pumpkin poop there, pumpkin poop everywhere!
Awesome ideas! Love love love!
Those are super cute and creative! I love seeing what you come up with next!!
I can't believe its almost been two years since I graduate college. The photo brought back great memories!!
I love it! What a great idea. I am going to steal it to give out to my new neighbors! Thanks for always commenting - once I am not so busy I will be stopping by regularly.
These are so great! And congrats on the guest blog spot!
I don't think I've ever said this before, but I LOVE THE POOP! Great job Lisa!
Those are two totally awesome tricks and treats! So glad you can totally own that you came up with the ideas!
Oh my goodness, what FUN projects! Emily would love the pumpkin poop! Hahahahaha! So festive... I love it! I'm off to sign up for the craft swap. I finally know what I'm going to make... Yay!!
You are so craftily creative and cute!
You've got a talent, my crafty friend.
These are just adorable! I love the pumpkin poop and I'm definitely going to try out the pixie stick idea! Cute! You're so talented! Was that enough exclamation marks? :)
SO CUTE! i LOVE the pumpkin poop bags!! that's hilarious! you are my crafty inspiration!
Love your creativity, they look sooo festive! FUNtastic!! I'm a first time visitor by the way...
Happy Fall Season dear~
So cute! Love the pixies
Thanks for putting my button up and playing along. I hope you have a great day and weekend. Thanks again.
yeah!! so very cute Lisa! Awesome ideas.
Love all your halloween craft ideas. By the way you can get those punches through Stampin' Up. I used to be a demo. Did you manage to do your Halloween draw string bags? I finished mine tonight and blogged about it on my blog.
You have been busy, cutest Halloween treats!
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