Thank You for Visiting. I hope you enjoy reading my blog, just as much as I enjoy writing it! Don't be afraid to comment or Vote on my polls. Check out what books I'm reading today and Random thoughts in my head.
If you are a dreamer, come in If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer.... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fireFor we have some flax golden tales to spin Come In!Come In!
From My 32nd Birthday!
The perfect couple!
Kiss Kiss!!
True Love
Aren't we cute?
Say Cheese
Hey look, you can't see my BUTT Chin!!
My Rockstar
Great Mohawking Skills G!
My Baby as a Baby!
Oh yeah, he was as evil as he looks.
The Boy and the BF
And I live with these two! Hello! It's the fair, it's supposed to smell like that.
A Childs love for their Mother!
Peace Out!
I love fishing!
Chloe and Emmitt
Best Friends
Born July 3, 2009. Half Tabby, Half Siamese.
Born November 26, 2009. Half Seal Point Siamese half Black Cat!
Give me a hug!
Our House, Doesn't it look so scary?
Before the BF, did the wonderful landscaping job. Love You! You looked so hot removing those bushes so my bench could go there!
Our Home after the landscaping, yes we live HERE!!
Living the American Dream, it's far from perfect, but it's ours!
I know I've sporadically been around lately. It's just lately life has been a bit crazy and I've started this whole Weight Watchers Diet and walking has practically consumed any free time I have. Loving my two walking buddies though!! I try to walk 3 miles everyday. Today is the end of my 4th and in 3 weeks I've lost over 11lbs. I'll find out tonight if I've gained or lost. WhootyWhoot. I miss crafting and reading blogs and hopefully I'll be able to jump back in the saddle here soon. I just have not had much to blog about.
Loving the sunglasses I found. Aren't they just perfect for me? I think they look way better on me then they would, let's say someone like my sister. Right? Yeah I totally can rock these Kim Kardashian suckers.
I'm also feeling this new song by Matisyahu. Please play the video, you'll love it I'm sure.
Thief. If I was around yesterday I would have commented on how they glasses look best on the original owner. The one who paid for them, not the one who pilfered them out of my vehicle....
January: 6th - PAPA, HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY!! Getting so big! Can't wait for your bowling party.
10th - Robert - My neighbors, Man
21st - Kelly Belly's 30th B-day. Getting old, getting old!
31st - MINE! Oh yes the big 32. Where does the time go?
February: NO ONE!
March: 4th - Mine and the BF's 4 year anniversary. WHOOTY WHOOT 31st - Amy, my neighbor. Man has it been a year already since we met. Bust out the bottle of CHIANTI!
April: 2nd - Jana family friend
22nd - Aaron, my neighbor
May: 8th - My Pops Birthday
9th - The BF's Pops
17th - The Boy, he turns double digits this month!! 25th - Dori, my neighbor
June: 17th - THE BF turns the BIG 30!!
25th - Jason, The BF's Brother
July: 3rd - Chloe a.k.a MAMA, she turns 1 years old. She's so big!
10th - Evan, The Boy's little brother
16th - Alex, my cousin
31st - Denise, my friend
August: 20th - RJ, neighbors son
30th - The BF's Mom
September: 19th - Jae, The Boy's little brother
October : 11th - Greg, my Sis's hubby
November: 11th - My Mother's birthday!
December: 8th - Christopher my Nephew
21st - Celyn my sister
I've been missing you!
I'm glad you are loving walking! Wish I could love it. LOL
I got all my stuff so I can make some bathroom art like you did!
Congrats on the 11 pounds!! I hope you lost again!
11 lbs is awesome - and it's great that you are getting some exercise too. Work out buddies are SO motivating!!
The glasses are perfect! :)
Congrats on 11 lbs! that is awesome. And those sun glasses are awesome!
Thief. If I was around yesterday I would have commented on how they glasses look best on the original owner. The one who paid for them, not the one who pilfered them out of my vehicle....
- The sister is has the better taste in life.
Wait one more thing. Huh the song you are digging on, yeah I know how you got it. Thief... lol....a little blue ipod?
Cute glasses, congrats on the 11lbs and nice to see you again ☺!
Love the sunglasses! Congrats on the 11lbs!
If it's found it's free game especially if you don't know who the owner is. I'm not a thief, far from it. lol
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